X timeOS Case Study

"Recall allowed us to just integrate something very, very fast. That's enabled us to build a great product extremely fast."


 My name is Eilon. I'm the CTO and Co-founder at timeOS.

timeOS is an AI productivity tool that captures and summarizes your day, organizes all the relevant information and proactively surfaces the knowledge you need when you need it.

 One of our most used features is the smart meeting insights and notes. We utilize Recall to seamlessly capture the meeting recordings and transcripts.

We wanted to focus on what you do with all of this information, context, data that flows in your meetings.

We looked for a way to capture meeting recordings, and we found out that it just not a straightforward technology to build in house.

Recall allowed us to just integrate something very, very fast. That's enabled us to build a great product extremely fast.

I really believe that without Recall, we would not be able to achieve that.

The integration was really fast and simple. It's very easy to maintain. The product is constantly improving.

Since we integrated the Recall, we've achieved this consistent growth in our product.

 Recall all the way was extremely kind, constantly improving and was a great partner in our journey.