Recall + Allego Case Study

"Not having to build it ourselves it allowed us to get the solution we needed, but also spend our limited development resources on other things that would add more value to our customers."

Problem: Allego couldn’t efficiently capture online meeting recordings across multiple platforms, which was essential for fulfilling some of their core offerings.

Solution: Allego partnered with to efficiently capture and manage online meeting recordings across Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams freeing up their internal resources. x Allego: Empowering sales teams with powerful meeting integrations

Allego is a sales enablement software that empowers sales teams and other customer-facing employees to thrive. They offer tools that streamline employee onboarding, improve the quality of training and coaching for sales teams, and make it easier than ever to engage with prospects confidently. 

Challenge: Enabling online meeting recordings quickly & easily 

As a comprehensive sales enablement software, Allego has lots of applications that require capturing audio and video from online meetings. The recordings can be used for anything from improving coaching and training to informing sales team performance. 

In its early days, Allego operated with telephony integrations that could capture over-the-phone meetings. But as trends have shifted digitally, the Allego team knew they needed a solution that would allow them to capture online meetings. 

Phil Costa, SVP of Product Development at Allego, shared a little bit about the Allego collaboration with our team. When the organization realized they needed an online meeting platform integration, they identified three potential directions to solving the problem.

1. Use each meeting platform’s APIs

When Allego first began collecting meeting recordings, they used the native APIs for Zoom and other platforms. But this solution came with a few challenges.

To run the APIs effectively, the people in the meeting needed to remember to turn them on. They could set the tool to automatically record, but in meetings they didn’t own, that wasn’t always an appropriate choice.

Not to mention, online meeting platforms are known for having some quirks. Continuing to respond to their native APIs would require some upkeep and attention from Allego’s team.

2. Build their own meeting bot

After using each platform’s APIs became unsustainable, the Allego development team started building their own meeting bot. It didn’t take long before they saw how intense the build process was, and the project was a major time drain on their limited development resources.

Phil shared, “These types of integrations are always more complex than they initially seem on. They just become a tax that you have to continually pay.”

Not only was the integration difficult to build out, but the project distracted from Allego’s core competencies. For a developer to build out each platform’s integration, it would have taken months of full-time work — and the team had other priorities.

3. Find an external integration that could support online meetings

The final option was to find a tool that could integrate within Allego to support their video capabilities across platforms. But to do this, they’d need to check a few different boxes.

  • Coverage. Allego’s customers used multiple platforms to host sales calls, training, and coaching, so Allego needed a solution that would work with a variety of different online meeting platforms.
  • Simple integration. Phil knew Allego needed an API solution that could easily click into their existing infrastructure without requiring significant rewriting.
  • Partnership. The team needed a company that would be willing to work with them to resolve key workflow, performance, and stability issues over the long-term. They also wanted a relationship that could grow, adding more value to their customers over time.

When asked about the challenge of supporting online meeting recordings, Phil said that, “Integrating with a class of products where there are multiple platforms is one of the most difficult parts of running a SaaS business.”

Thankfully, they found 

Solution: A comprehensive, easy-to-use third-party API

After signing on for, Allego immediately began integrating the tool into their Conversation Intelligence product to capture audio and video for online meetings. provided the foundation for all of Allego to build out all of their virtual meeting use cases, from coaching to performance analysis, on Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. checked the boxes for Allego, making it an easy choice when the Allego team was deciding which approach to invest in.


Allego’s top priority was coverage, because their customers hosted meetings on multiple platforms. The company now uses to support Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams calls so their customer base is covered no matter what their preferred meeting tool is. manages platform quirks, updates, and changes that pop up across all of the used platforms, so Allego doesn’t need to worry about upkeep.

Simple integration could click into Allego’s platform very quickly. The Allego team didn’t need to invest much time into troubleshooting or rewriting, because is built to supplement software fast. 

Phil shared another advantage of using an API-first tool: expertise. He said, “The advantage of using is having a set of experts that spend their whole day thinking about solving the problem of online meeting records. If we had built in-house, we wouldn’t have given the project the same level of attention, nor would it have been as full-featured.”

Partnership provided exactly what Allego was seeking in terms of partnership. Online meeting platforms are constantly changing and growing, and so is Allego. The team needed a tool that could grow and shift alongside them.

“If you can find a partner that can manage the complexity of online meeting platforms, and it’s their primary focus, then your interests are aligned long-term,” Phil said.

“Working with the team at has been very productive,” he continued. “The product works as it’s supposed to, and the team is very open and collaborative.”

Result: An innovative, long-term partnership that frees up Allego’s internal team

After integrating, the Allego team was quickly able to better support their customers in recording audio and visual meetings across platforms. The development team at Allego could go back to working on their core competencies without the stress of meeting platform integration management. 

When asked about the experience overall, Phil shared, “It’s been a strong partnership and I’m excited to expand our relationship as each of us grows. If you’re new to integrating third parties, it’s definitely worth looking at a specialist. It’s been a win-win for us.”

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